Should I Let Food Cool Before Putting In Fridge

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Let food cool before putting it in the refrigerator, so should it or ...

**Should You Let Food Cool Before Putting It in the Fridge?**

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cooking a delicious meal, only to have to rush out before it has a chance to cool. In the past, I would just throw it in the fridge and hope for the best. But I’ve learned my lesson: letting food cool before refrigerating it is essential for maintaining its quality and preventing foodborne illness.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you should let food cool before putting it in the fridge, and we’ll discuss the best practices for cooling food safely. We’ll also provide some tips and expert advice on how to cool food quickly and effectively.

**Why It’s Important to Let Food Cool Before Refrigerating It**

There are several reasons why it’s important to let food cool before putting it in the fridge. First, hot food can raise the temperature of your refrigerator, which can cause other food in the fridge to spoil more quickly. Second, hot food can create condensation, which can lead to mold and bacteria growth. Third, hot food can cook food that is already in the fridge, which can alter its taste and texture.

**How to Cool Food Safely**

There are several different ways to cool food safely. One way is to spread food out on a baking sheet or in a shallow dish. This will help it cool more quickly. You can also use an ice bath to help cool food more quickly. To do this, fill a sink or large bowl with cold water and ice. Place the food in a sealed container and submerge it in the ice bath.

If you are cooling a large amount of food, you may want to consider using a food cooler. Food coolers are designed to keep food cold for extended periods of time. To use a food cooler, simply fill it with ice and place the food inside.

**Tips and Expert Advice**

Here are a few tips and expert advice on how to cool food quickly and effectively:

  • Cut food into smaller pieces. This will help it cool more quickly.
  • Spread food out on a baking sheet or in a shallow dish. This will help it cool more quickly.
  • Use an ice bath to help cool food more quickly. To do this, fill a sink or large bowl with cold water and ice. Place the food in a sealed container and submerge it in the ice bath.
  • If you are cooling a large amount of food, you may want to consider using a food cooler. Food coolers are designed to keep food cold for extended periods of time.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your food cools quickly and safely.


Here are some frequently asked questions about cooling food:

  1. How long should I let food cool before refrigerating it?
  2. You should let food cool to room temperature before refrigerating it. This usually takes about two hours.

  3. Can I put hot food in the freezer?
  4. No, you should not put hot food in the freezer. This can cause the freezer to overwork and can also lead to foodborne illness.

  5. What is the best way to cool a large amount of food?
  6. The best way to cool a large amount of food is to use a food cooler. Food coolers are designed to keep food cold for extended periods of time.

  7. How can I tell if food has cooled enough to be refrigerated?
  8. You can tell if food has cooled enough to be refrigerated by touching it. If it is cool to the touch, it is safe to refrigerate.


Letting food cool before refrigerating it is an important step in maintaining food quality and preventing foodborne illness. By following the tips and advice in this article, you can help ensure that your food cools quickly and safely.

Are you interested in learning more about food safety? If so, be sure to check out the following resources:

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